Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year!

With the holidays wrapping up and the new year beginning tomorrow I have been looking back on my year and I am so blessed with all of the accomplishments and memories I've made.

It all started last December when bought our first home and Tyler and I got engaged. 

We began planning our wedding and said I Do on September 20th, it was such a beautiful day and I am so happy to now join him and our daughter with the last name Bynum. I got to see some very dear family members that I don't get to see often and we were so blessed to have my uncle marry us.

Kennedy turned TWO in April, and we spent a few weeks trying to put together a swing set! I still can't get over the fact that in four short months she will be three.

We  added a new family member, Ryder, our chocolate lab puppy. It was a rough start with him, there were several times I considered giving him back! He thinks he is a small lap dog and continues to run around the house like a goober and constantly lays on top of us. He also has decided he's a human and sleeps with Kennedy and Tyler and I with his head on his own pillow. But he is going on 8 months old and he has fit right in with us and I couldn't ask for a better dog to protect and love our family.


We decided to ditch our carpet and install new laminate wood flooring ourselves, it took way longer than we planned and we still haven't put the baseboards up but I am more than happy with how great they look!

I still feel full from the 3 thanksgivings we had and I am having a blast watching Kennedy play with her new kitchen we made her!

2014 was such an amazing year, I can't wait to see what is in store for us in 2015 :)

Happy New Year!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Big Granny

I thought I would share the blanket I made for my good friend a few months ago. I really enjoyed making this blanket because it was so different. I never would have thought to put these colors together until she picked them out and they turned out perfect!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Colorful Granny Baby Blankets

I always enjoy crocheting baby items, especially blankets.

Over the years I've gather a ton of scrap yarn from other projects and I thought it would be fun to start digging into this huge tub filled with yarn. I decided I didn't want a huge project, something simple and fun, so baby granny blankets sounded like just the thing. After laying all of the yarn out on the floor, sorting it by color, then arranging different color schemes I noticed I had a bunch of bright colors that looked great together. I figured instead of sticking with the normal soft colors that I usually use for baby  blankets, it would be fun to do some bright and fun ones!

Granny blankets are my favorite, they work up so quickly and they always look amazing so I knew this would be perfect. It took me about a week each, only because along with wedding planning, getting a new puppy and just simply having a 2 year old I constantly seem to get sidetracked. But even though it took two weeks, I was still pleased with myself by getting them done that fast! I bet if I had a whole day to myself I could easily get one done :)

I must say, after completing these two blankets its gonna be hard to let them go since they go so perfectly with KK's room! But I have listed them both on Etsy if anyone is interested in them :)

But if you would like to make one yourself, the pattern for these blankets is SO simple. You just make a granny square and continue it until it reaches the size you want, switching colors as often as you wish!

There is a great tutorial for granny squares over at  Purlbee  , which is where I learned to make them! 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

crochet toddler infinity scarf pattern

Happy Valentines Day!

During this day of all things pink, I thought I'd share my toddler infinity scarf pattern that I just made for a friend!

This pattern is very similar to the crochet cowl pattern, the only thing that is different is that it is longer!

Crochet Toddler Infinity Scarf Pattern:
Row 1: CH 150
Row 2: SC in each stitch, CH 1 turn
Row 3: HDC in each stitch, CH 1 turn
Row 4: DC in each stitch, CH 3 turn
Row 5: *(Skip 2 stitches, DC, CH1, DC in same stitch)
Repeat from * to * and end with DC in top of CH 3,
CH 3 turn
Row 6: *(DC, CH 1, DC in CH 1 space from previous row)*
Repeat from * to * and end with DC in top of CH3,
CH 1 turn
Row 7: DC in each stitch, CH 3 turn
Row 8: *(Skip 2 stitches, DC, CH1, DC in same stitch)
Repeat from * to * and end with DC in top of CH 3,
CH 3 turn
Row 9: *(DC, CH 1, DC in CH 1 space from previous row)*
Repeat from * to * and end with DC in top of CH3,
CH 1 turn
Row 10: DC in each stitch, CH 1 turn
Row 11: HDC in each stitch, CH 1 turn
Row 12: SC in each stitch
Finishing: Fasten off and sew each end together to create a cowl; or you can do this pattern in the round so you do not have to sew it together in the end.

Weave in ends and your done! :)

If you would like to purchase this infinity scarf handmade by me please click here to go to my Etsy shop!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

crochet toddler cowl

This is a pattern that I wrote a while back and I have made several times for KK this winter. At first she was skeptical and constantly taking it off, but eventually she gave in and wore it when she realized how cold it was. I'm so glad she decided she likes it because it is just the cutest thing seeing her wear a mini cowl :)

Crochet Toddler Cowl Pattern:
Row 1: CH 70
Row 2: SC in each stitch, CH 1 turn
Row 3: HDC in each stitch, CH 3 turn
Row 4: DC in each stitch, CH 3 turn
Row 5: *(Skip 2 stitches, DC, CH1, DC in same stitch)
Repeat from * to * and end with DC in top of CH 3, CH 3 turn
Row 6: *(DC, CH 1, DC in CH 1 space from previous row)*
Repeat from * to * and end with DC in top of CH3, CH 1 turn
Row 7: DC in each stitch, CH 3 turn
Row 8: *(Skip 2 stitches, DC, CH1, DC in same stitch) 
Repeat from * to * and end with DC in top of CH 3, CH 3 turn
Row 9: *(DC, CH 1, DC in CH 1 space from previous row)*
Repeat from * to * and end with DC in top of CH3, CH 1 turn
Row 10: DC in each stitch, CH 1 turn
Row 11: HDC in each stitch, CH 1 turn
Row 12: SC in each stitch

Finishing: Fasten off and sew each end together to create a cowl; or you can do this pattern in the round so you do not have to sew it together in the end.

Weave in ends and your done! :)

If you would like to purchase this cowl handmade from me please click here to go to our etsy page!

Monday, February 3, 2014

crochet mike wazowski earflap hat pattern

The past few months my days have consisted of having Monsters Inc. and Monsters University playing back to back on the TV. For some reason Kennedy has really taken to these movies and has become especially obsessed with Mike Wezowski. It was no surprise that when we walked into the JCPenney kids section she screamed like crazy pointing at the giant stuffed Mike. We considered getting it for her, that is until we saw that it was $300.

The next day I was on Pinterest and just so happened to see a crocheted Mike hat and of course I was on my way to Hobby Lobby to pick up some green yarn! I found a few patterns that cost money as well as a few others that only offered small sizes so I went ahead and whipped it up by eye and I am more than happy to share (:

The hat starts with a simple earflap beanie pattern that you can find almost anywhere online. *Please note that I am not taking credit for the earflap hat pattern, I have used this hat pattern for years and do not remember where I found it. Add a giant eye to this as well as two little horns and your good to go! Please feel free to share this post with the pattern as well as comment if you like it or if there is any mistakes! I’m so excited about this first crochet pattern blog post and I am hopeful for lots of views! (:
Crochet Mike Wazowski Earflap Hat Pattern
  • size H 5mm crochet hook
  • worsted weight yarn in a bright green, blue, white and black
  • tapestry needle
Size: 0-6 Months
Row 1: magic ring, 11 dc into the magic ring, join to the first dc
Row 2: ch 22 dc in each around, join to top of ch 2 (22 dc’s)
Row 3: ch 2, *2 dc in first, dc in next,* repeat around and join (33 dc’s)
Row 4: ch 2, *2 dc in first, dc in next 2,* repeat around and join (44 dc’s)
Rows 5-10: ch 2, dc in each around then join (44 dc’s)
do not fasten off, continue with earflap written below

Size 6-12 Months
Row 1: magic ring, 11 dc into the magic ring, join to first dc
Row 2: ch2, 2 dc in each around, join to top of ch 2 (22 dc’s)
Row 3: ch 2, *2 dc in first, dc in next,* repeat around and join (33 dc’s)
Row 4: ch 2, *2 dc in first, dc in next 2,* repeat around and join (44 dc’s)
Row 5: ch 2, *2 dc in first, dc in next 10,* repeat around and join (48 dc’s)
Row 6: ch 2, *2 dc in first, dc in next 11,* repeat around and join (52 dc’s)
Row 7-12: ch 2, dc in each around then join (52 dc’s)
do not fasten off at the end of the row begin on the earflaps, see below

Earflaps for 0-6 and 6-12 Sizes:
Earflap 1:
Row 1: ch 1, sc in next 10 stitches where you left off, turn
Row 2: ch 1, sc decrease, sc in next 6, sc decrease,  turn
Row 3: ch 1, sc across (8 sc’s)
Row 4: ch 1, sc decrease, sc in next 4, sc decrease, turn
Row 5: ch 1, sc across (6 sc’s)
Row 6: ch 1, sc decrease, sc in next 2, sc decrease,  turn
Row 7: ch 1, sc across (4 sc’s)
Row 8: ch 1, make 2 sc decreases,  turn
Row 9: ch 1, sc decrease, fasten off and weave in ends

Earflap 2:
Fold your hat in half and on the opposite side of the hat from the first earflap, begin the second earflap.
Row 1: ch 1, sc in next 10, turn
Row 2: ch 1, sc decrease, sc in next 6, sc decrease, turn
Row 3: ch 1, sc across (8 sc’s)
Row 4: ch 1, sc decrease, sc in next 4, sc decrease, turn
Row 5: ch 1, sc across (6 sc’s)
Row 6: ch 1, sc decrease, sc in next 2, sc decrease, turn
Row 7: ch 1, sc across (4 sc’s)
Row 8: ch 1, Make 2 sc decreases, chain 1, turn
Row 9: ch 1, sc decrease, chain 1
Finishing: continue by sc in each stitch around the entire bottom edge of the hat as well as the earflaps. Fasten off and weave in the ends.

Braided Tails:
Cut 6 long strands of yarn, 2 of each blue, green and white, whatever length you want, then put together all of the strands and pull them through the end of the earflap.  Knot it, then braid all the way ending with another knot. Trim the ends of braided tails so the yarn is even, do this for both earflaps.

Size: Child 
Row 1: magic ring, 11 dc into the magic ring, join to first dc
Row 2: ch 2, 2 dc in each around, join to top of chain 2 (22 dc’s)
Row 3: ch 2, *2 dc in first, dc in next,* repeat around and join (33 dc’s)
Row 4: ch 2, *2 dc in first, dc in next 2,* repeat around and join (44 dc’s)
Row 5: ch 2, *2 dc in first, dc in next 10,* repeat around and join (48 dc’s)
Row 6: ch 2, *2 dc in first, dc in next 11,* repeat around and join (52 dc’s)
Row 7: ch 2, *2 dc in first, dc in next 12,*repeat around and join (56 dc’s)
Row 8: ch 2, *2 dc in first, dc in next 13,* repeat around and join (60 dc’s)
Row 9: ch 2, *2 dc in first, dc in next 14,* repeat around and join (64 dc’s)
Row 10-15: ch 2, dc in each around then join (64 dc’s)
do not fasten off at the end of the row begin on the earflaps, see below

Size: Adult 
Row 1: magic ring, 11 dc into the magic ring, join to first dc
Row 2: ch 2, 2 dc in each around, join to top of chain 2 (22 dc’s)
Row 3: ch 2, *2 dc in first, dc in next,* repeat around and join (33 dc’s)
Row 4: ch 2, *2 dc in first, dc in next 2,* repeat around and join (44 dc’s)
Row 5: ch 2, *2 dc in first, dc in next 10,* repeat around and join (48 dc’s)
Row 6: ch 2, *2 dc in first, dc in next 11,* repeat around and join (52 dc’s)
Row 7: ch 2, *2 dc in first, dc in next 12,* repeat around and join (56 dc’s)
Row 8: ch 2, *2 dc in first, dc in next 13,* repeat around and join (60 dc’s)
Row 9: ch 2, *2 dc in first, dc in next 14,* repeat around and join (64 dc’s)
Row 10: ch 2, *2 dc in first, dc in next 15,* repeat around and join (68 dc’s)
Row 11-16: ch 2, dc in each around then join (68 dc’s)
do not fasten off at the end of the row begin on the earflaps, see below

Earflaps for Child and Adult Sizes:
Earflap 1: 
Row 1: ch 1, sc in next 12,  turn
Row 2: ch 1,  sc decrease, sc in next 8, sc decrease, turn
Row 3: ch 1, sc across (10 sc’s)
Row 4: ch 1, sc decrease, SC in next 6, sc decrease, turn
Row 5: ch 1, sc across ( 8 sc’s)
Row 6: ch 1, sc decrease, SC in next 4, sc decrease, turn
Row 7: ch 1, sc across ( 6 sc’s)
Row 8: ch 1, sc decrease, sc in next 2, sc decrease, turn
Row 9: ch 1, sc across (4 sc’s)
Row 10: ch 1, make 2 sc decreases, turn
Row 11: ch 1, sc decrease, fasten off, weave in ends

Earflap 2:
Fold your hat in half and on the opposite side of the hat from the first earflap, begin the second earflap. 
Row 1: ch 1, sc in next 12, turn
Row 2: ch 1, sc decrease, sc in next 8, sc decrease, turn
Row 3: ch 1, sc across (10 sc’s)
Row 4: ch 1, sc decrease, sc in next 6, sc decrease, turn
Row 5: ch 1, sc across ( 8 sc’s)
Row 6: ch 1, sc decrease, sc in next 4, sc decrease, turn
Row 7: ch 1, sc across ( 6 sc’s)
Row 8: ch 1, sc decrease, sc in next 2, sc decrease, turn
Row 9: ch 1, sc across (4 sc’s)
Row 10: ch 1, make 2 sc decreases, turn
Row 11: ch 1, sc decrease, ch 1
Finishing: continue by sc in each stitch around the entire bottom edge of the hat as well as the earflaps. Fasten off and weave in the ends.

Braided Tails:
Cut 6 long strands of yarn, 2 of each blue, green and white, whatever length you want, then put together all of the strands and pull them through the end of the earflap.  Knot it, then braid all the way ending with another knot. Trim the ends of braided tails so the yarn is even, do this for both earflaps.

The Eye:
Row 1: using black yarn ch 2, 7 hdc into first ch, join to the top of chain 2. (8 hdc’s)
Row 2: ch 2, hdc in same stitch, 2 hdc in each stitch around, join (16 hdc’s)
Row 3: ch 2 hdc in same stitch, *hdc in next,  2 hdc in next*, repeat around and join (24 hdc’s)
Row 4: change to blue yarn, ch 2, hdc in same stitch, *1 hdc in each of the next 2 stitches, 2hdc in next,* repeat around and join (32 hdc’s)
Row 5: change to white yarn, ch 2, hdc in same stitch, *1 hdc in each of the next 3 stitches, 2hdc in next,* repeat around and join (40 hdc’s)
Finishing: weave in all ends, then using tapestry needly sew a detail into the eye then sew your eye onto the hat. Fasten off, and weave in all ends.
Row 1: using white yarn, ch 2, 5 hdc in first stitch, join to top of ch 2 (6hdc’s)
Row 2: ch 2, hdc in each stitch around and join
Row 3: ch 2, hdc in same stitch, *hdc, 2 hdc in next,* repeat around and join (9 hdc’s)
Row 4: ch 2, hdc in same stitch, *hdc in the next 2, 2 hdc in next,* repeat around and join (12 hdc’s)
Row 5: ch 2, hdc in each stitch around, join and fasten off
Finishing: Repeat this horn pattern one more time, making a pair. Once you have two horns, take some  stuffing and fill both horns. Then sew both horns to the top of your hat with your tapestry needle, making sure they’re evenly spaced out.
Fasten off, and weave in ends.

the first post

It’s Friday night and I am sitting here with Kennedy in my lap watching monsters inc. wondering how to start this all out.
I guess I’ll begin with me.
My name is Amber Nicole Foist and I am 21 years old. I currently go to college online, majoring in Education K-8th grade. Although I am still enrolled, school has been on the back burner for me ever since having my daughter, Kennedy Kay, in April 2012. I’ve only been taking a few classes each semester but that is fine with me because it only gives me more time to spend with her. As well as more time to clean the house.
This past December we finally moved into our new house in Josephine TX and I couldn’t be happier. When I say we I mean Kennedy, Tyler and I. Tyler is my FIANCE…we recently, finally, got engaged on Christmas day (:

I couldn’t be happier with my new bling (:
We have begun wedding planning and are shooting for September 2014!
Aside from all of that, the purpose of my blog is to not only share my journey as a young mother, but to inspire people to crochet. Yes I realize that was very random and came out of nowhere.
Crocheting is my hobby. I have an Etsy shop where I list some of the items I make occasionally but mostly I like to make custom things for family and friends. Although I would love to update my Etsy shop more, there just isn’t enough time in the day it seems like!
Along with crocheting, I also enjoy writing. In high school when asked what I wanted to do with my life I would say I am going to be a stay at home mom who writes books. While I’ve completed the stay at home mom part, I haven’t written any books. Although I have started several that ended up in the writing file on my desktop, but its my life goal to get them done. And I will.
This blog is a way for me to have some “me” time, if that makes any sense. It gives me a chance to sit down at the end of the day when Kennedy is asleep, or while she’s lost in a movie, and express myself. I can put my crochet skills out there by posting my patterns and tutorials so that other people can learn from me. It also allows me to write and actually have an audience that can give feedback. It also gives me a chance to show off my adorable daughter and all of the fun things we do (:
Now that I’ve introduced myself its time to begin my blog about my journey as a twenty somethin’ mom!