Monday, February 3, 2014

the first post

It’s Friday night and I am sitting here with Kennedy in my lap watching monsters inc. wondering how to start this all out.
I guess I’ll begin with me.
My name is Amber Nicole Foist and I am 21 years old. I currently go to college online, majoring in Education K-8th grade. Although I am still enrolled, school has been on the back burner for me ever since having my daughter, Kennedy Kay, in April 2012. I’ve only been taking a few classes each semester but that is fine with me because it only gives me more time to spend with her. As well as more time to clean the house.
This past December we finally moved into our new house in Josephine TX and I couldn’t be happier. When I say we I mean Kennedy, Tyler and I. Tyler is my FIANCE…we recently, finally, got engaged on Christmas day (:

I couldn’t be happier with my new bling (:
We have begun wedding planning and are shooting for September 2014!
Aside from all of that, the purpose of my blog is to not only share my journey as a young mother, but to inspire people to crochet. Yes I realize that was very random and came out of nowhere.
Crocheting is my hobby. I have an Etsy shop where I list some of the items I make occasionally but mostly I like to make custom things for family and friends. Although I would love to update my Etsy shop more, there just isn’t enough time in the day it seems like!
Along with crocheting, I also enjoy writing. In high school when asked what I wanted to do with my life I would say I am going to be a stay at home mom who writes books. While I’ve completed the stay at home mom part, I haven’t written any books. Although I have started several that ended up in the writing file on my desktop, but its my life goal to get them done. And I will.
This blog is a way for me to have some “me” time, if that makes any sense. It gives me a chance to sit down at the end of the day when Kennedy is asleep, or while she’s lost in a movie, and express myself. I can put my crochet skills out there by posting my patterns and tutorials so that other people can learn from me. It also allows me to write and actually have an audience that can give feedback. It also gives me a chance to show off my adorable daughter and all of the fun things we do (:
Now that I’ve introduced myself its time to begin my blog about my journey as a twenty somethin’ mom!

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